The next chapter in my journey took us to Waimate, in South Canterbury. This was the making of my nurse practitioner career. The experience I gained during my 5 years there was exciting ,challenging, and extremely rewarding. I was PRIME trained and took part on the roster covering 2 nights a week…
The Pitt Island adventure was followed by two years on the Chatham Islands where there was a small community hospital with 2-3 beds, a GP and 3 other RNs. On-call was covered by the nurses who were all PRIME trained and back up was sought from the GP as needed. This…
I spent two years on a remote Island known as Pitt Island (aka “my home”), which offered me a multitude of skills, not only autonomy and advanced nursing skills but also the difficult and often trying skill of how to be a nurse and not a family member when a…
Te Kinga Hill, Lake Brunner For me this started on the South Island’s beautiful West Coast in 1998-My first job was in a town-based General Practice in Greymouth, where my love for Primary Health Care was born. I worked there for 3 years, before leaving to…
Thanks for joining me on my blog. I hope that you can follow my ideas and views on what I write about. You won’t always agree with me and I won’t always be right, but these are just my views and I am happy to hear yours in return. Good…